third eye chakra
Mental Health/ Spirituality

The Beginner’s Guide to the Third Eye Chakra

Welcome to part 6 of my Beginner’s Guide to the Chakra Series! We have gone over the first 5 chakras down here and now we’re on to the third eye chakra!

The third eye chakra is associated with our “sixth sense”. Meaning, it is at the center of our wisdom, spiritual insight and intuition.

Buckle up, y’all! The different details of the third eye chakra and crown chakra are a bit heavy and really require an open and peaceful mind to fully absorb all of the information. 

First, lets go over what exactly a chakra is. Basically, chakras can be defined as energy vortexes that exist in each of us. We all have physical bodies but we also all have energetic bodies. We have seven different major chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. 

While learning about the chakra system, you can then learn a new way to heal so many different parts of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Lets Get to Learning and Healing!

Quick note: I am not an expert, nor am I a doctor. When it comes to the physical, mental and emotional symptoms that I mention, it is very important to check with your doctor in order to be sure there isn’t a serious medical issue.

Here are a few (Ajna) Throat Chakra Basics

Color: Indigo

Element: Light

Location: Between the Eyebrows

The third eye chakra helps us see things clearly. Not just physically but also mentally, emotionally and especially spiritually. Its all about observation, perception, wisdom but also seeing with truth and intuition. This is the place where our intuition lives. 

This is the chakra (along with the crown chakra) that allows us to transcend into a new, higher mindset. 

How to Know If Your Third Eye Chakra is Blocked

Do you feel that you can never remember your dreams? Do you have a poor memory in general? This is a huge symptom of a blocked third eye. (Side note/ food for thought: if you have a bad memory of a certain part of your life/ certain age, it could also be a side effect of trauma) Also, if you mistrust your inner voice and your “gut feelings”, you may have a blocked third eye. 

Another trait of a blocked third eye is also that feeling of being cut off from the spiritual aspects of ourselves. We only see the physical realities of our lives and even feel scared of our intuition. 

How to Know If Your Third Eye Chakra is Overactive

You will have a hard time focusing, concentrating and even feeling grounded in reality. Daydreaming is great! And so good for the soul but if you are stuck in a fantasy world and can’t get in touch with reality, then those daydreams may be doing more harm than good. Even feelings of paranoia and some mood disorders can be a huge sign of an overactive third eye. In extreme cases, it has been said that an extremely overactive third eye even caused hallucinations. (Not to scare you though! This is so rare!) 

How to Know Your Third Eye Chakra is Balanced

A balanced third eye helps us be in tune with the subtle energies in everyday life. Sometimes you’re aware of these energies and sometimes you’re not. But with a balanced third eye, you can still have subconscious encounters with these energies. You will flow through decision making easily and not have overemotional attachments to outcomes either good or bad. You may invite your intuition into all aspects your life openly and happily. That deep knowing of things that we cannot see and even clairvoyance can be huge signs of a perfectly balanced third eye chakra. 

Possible Causes of Blockage

A lack of trust in one’s intuition or even a lack of trust in fate

Physical Body Parts

Brain, nervous system, eyes, ears

Physical Symptoms

Neurological disturbances, seizures, headaches, blurred vision 

Mental/ Emotional Symptoms

Openness to the ideas of others, feelings of adequacy, ability to learn from experiences, self-evaluations, emotional intelligence 


Disclaimer: Just like all of our other chakras, you are able to heal the third eye as well. But as a fair warning, it is very difficult. It takes a lot of time and it is important to be very patient with yourself. I always advise to heal the first five chakras before working on the third eye or the crown chakra. 

Essential Oils: Basil, frankincense, lavender, sandalwood 

Yoga: Because the focus of the third eye is to see things in all perspectives, try wearing a blindfold during a set of poses to experience pratyahara, or the drawing inward of the senses. This helps direct your vision deeply inward into yourself. 

Crystals: Amethyst, fluorite, tanzanite, kyanite, clear quartz

Other Healing Ideas:

When you receive a gut feeling or an intuitive hint, act on it! There’s a reason why you had that feeling and the more you act on those feelings, the stronger and stronger they will become. 

Chant the mantra sound of “SHAM” 

Set the intention that you want to connect with your inner wisdom. When you set an intention, you are consciously telling yourself and the universe that you are ready to take action.

*This next one can be controversial to some, however, I feel called to share it just in the chance that it could help just a few of you out there*

Remove fluoride from your diet using a water purification system. When fluoride enters your body, it calcifies the pineal gland. The pineal gland is gland in your brain that is directly linked to your third eye chakra. The third eye sits directly on the pineal gland. 

That’s all, folks! I truly hope that you learned something new and interesting about the third eye chakra today. I love writing these posts for all of you. And I love researching and learning everything there is to know about the chakra system in order to heal and live my best life and I hope that you do too!

Happy healing!

xoxo Leah