Thanks so much for stopping by! While you’re here, I want to tell you a few things about myself. 

Like I mentioned earlier, above anything else, I’m a mother. I have one hilarious five year old boy. I may as well throw my television out the window because with this little boy in my life, I’ll never need another form of entertainment ever again. 

So, his dad and I never got married but we were together for years. Our love story started with a cross country road trip from Southern California all the way to Asheville, North Carolina. Our road trip wasn’t just a few weeks or a month though… it lasted over a year!! Basically we just packed up Ian’s car, left and didn’t come home! What an adventure! Honestly, my fondest memories are from that time.

And then I got pregnant with J and it was time to come home to sunny California. Ian and I stayed together for a little while after J was born but after some time, we decided it was best to part ways. 

Once this happened, I began my spiritual journey. I began shadow work, meditating and researching so many different studies on how to live a more happy, fulfilled life. This has helped my mental health immensely. I was going from having daily panic attacks and being too depressed to get out of bed to slowly (but surely!) really getting ahold on my mental health and happiness!

But as of right now, I want to write to you, wherever in the world you are and hopefully help you find a new recipe that makes your tummy as happy as your soul, give you some motherhood advice (ironically, from a not-so expert) or even just make you smile a little bigger today.  

Sending you lots of love and happiness!

xoxo Leah