root chakra
Mental Health/ Spirituality

The Ultimate Guide to the Root Chakra

If you’ve stumbled upon this post from my Chakras: The Basics page, welcome back! ( ) And if you’ve ended up here because you’re fascinated  with all things chakras, spirituality and healing then… WELCOME! I am so glad to have you here and to hopefully teach you a few things about the root chakra today.

This post is focusing solely on the root chakra. This is your first chakra, your base chakra. But first, lets go over what exactly a chakra is. Basically, chakras can be defined as energy vortexes that exist in each of us. We all have physical bodies but we also all have energetic bodies. We have seven different major chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. 

While learning about the chakra system, you can then learn a new way to heal so many different parts of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Today we are going to highlight and I am going to share with you everything I have learned over the years about the root chakra.

Let’s get to learning and healing! 

Quick note: I am not an expert, nor am I a doctor. When it comes to the physical, mental and emotional symptoms that I mention, it is very important to check with your doctor in order to be sure there isn’t a serious medical issue.

Here are a Few Root Chakra (Muladhara) Basics:

Each chakra has a corresponding color. For the root chakra, its red. The root is located at the base of the spine, at the perineum. The element that it corresponds to is Earth.

This keeps you grounded and anchored to the PHYSICAL  world. (While the crown charka connects you to The Divine… or the thing that’s more than us as physical beings) This holds your fight or flight response, your connection to your ancestors and your past. Think of this chakra as your inner cave-person. 

How to Know Your Root Chakra is Blocked:

If you are fearful that your basic survival needs are not being met.



*even love

You may experience leg or foot pain as well as lower digestive tract troubles (that has no other medical explanation) 

How to Know Your Root Chakra is Overactive:

Anxiety turns to paranoia, greed and control. 

You may be irresponsible when it comes to your personal safety and finances. 

(You are not as safe/secure/grounded as you think you are)

How to Know Your Root Chakra is Just Right:

You trust yourself, Mother Earth, the future, etc.  When life throws a curve ball at you, you keep your good and positive attitude and trust that you’ll conquer that next obstacle. You trust all the natural laws. You feel whole, fearless and safe. 

Possible Causes of Blockage:


Fear of being alive 


Essential Oils: Myrrh, Patchouli, Cedarwood, Sandalwood

Yoga Poses: Warrior 1, Triangle, Forward Bend, Tree Pose, Chair Pose


Overactive- Emerald, Sapphire 

Blocked- Red Jasper, Hematite

Sustain balance: Red Carnelian, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone 

Foods: all root vegetables, red berries, kidney beans

Sound: “LAM” (can be chanted during meditation or said whenever you need a “root chakra pick-me-up”) Speaking of meditation, Chakra Healing by Margarita Alcantara has a great meditation for balancing the root chakra, along with many sources online that are super easy to find. 

My personal favorite way of healing the root chakra: go outside!! Spend some time outside barefoot when you can. Plant those little feet into the earth soil, dirt, whatever’s out there! If you find that you’re feeling a little funky in your root but you can’t find the time to get outside, wherever you are, stomp your feet into the ground (even if you’re in a building, 7 stories high!) 

The Importance

This is where it all begins. This is your baseline of your healing journey. Once you can feel comfortable in your root chakra, that’s when the healing truly begins. 

My Favorite Resources

Chakras for Beginners by Judith Yandell

Chakra Healing by Margarita Alcantara

Chakras and Self-Care by Ambi Kavanagh