Mental Health/ Spirituality

50+ Positive Affirmations for Every Part of Your Life

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are the phrases that we can think to ourselves or say aloud to practice positive thinking and self-empowerment. 

These phrases are used to reprogram the subconscious mind to encourage us to believe certain things. It will help us believe certain things about ourselves, the world around us and our place within it. 

 Affirmations even help us create the reality we want! This is also where manifestations come into play. But we’ll go over that later! That’s a whole other ballgame. 

When it comes to creating the life and reality that we want for ourselves and how affirmations can help us get there, its all about vibrations. When we are happy and positive, we are living with a high vibration. With a high vibration, we attract even more good things to come our way. Affirmations help us get to a place of higher vibration. Affirmations encourage us to take the actions that we must take in order to live a beautiful life. 

Affirmations can be said at any time during the day. There really aren’t many rules when it comes to affirmations. I have a certain set of affirmations that I say in the morning either right before I get out of bed or right when I get myself up and moving. Sometimes you need a little pick-me-up in the middle of the day if you’re feeling down or just low energy. That’s also a great time to say some affirmations. Working on a project and keep getting stuck and discouraged? That’s another great time to say some positive affirmations to help you get out of that rut. 

Here is a list of my absolute favorite affirmations

My Daily Affirmations

I am strong

I am smart

I make smart choices

I am patient

I am filled with high energy and high vibrations 

I am loved, accept love and I give love

I am so incredibly blessed

I love and accept myself for all that I am

I feel wonderful, healthy and alive

I am filled with peace

I am powerful and successful

I attract people who support me

Today is going to be a great day!

Affirmations for Strong Female Energy

I am in complete control of my life

I light up every room that I enter with confidence

I radiate positive energy

I crate my own reality

I live with grace, confidence and power

I am beautiful

Everyday, in every way, I become more bright and beautiful 

My vibrations are high and intoxicating

I am becoming more and more successful everyday

I love and accept myself for all that I am

I live my life on my own terms

I am heaven on Earth

I am unapologetic about what I want in this life

Affirmations for Abundance and Wealth

I am a money magnet

Prosperity flows freely to me

I welcome an abundance mindset

I am worthy and deserve the wealth that I desire

My actions create constant prosperity

I am aligned with the vibrational frequency of abundance

I give thanks for all of my blessings. 

I am grateful for the abundance that is flowing into my life

I attract only lucrative and enjoyable opportunities and endeavors

Affirmations for Anxiety

I choose to trust the timing of my life

I feel safe and free

I am so grateful to be alive

The uncomfortable feelings that I feel are only temporary

This too shall pass

I am learning to trust myself more and more everyday

I am learning to trust the universe more and more everyday

I love myself unconditionally

I forgive myself unconditionally

Affirmations for Career Success

I am powerful, intelligent and extremely capable of my dream career

I am confident in my abilities, talents and gifts

My career blossoms freely

My career does not control me. I control my career

Every step I take brings me closer to the career of my dreams 

I am achieving my career goals every single day

Each day brings me closer and closer to my ideal career

I am open to receive all opportunities the Universe sends me

If this post helped you add some extra positivity into your life, check out my entire mental health and spirituality section here: