spiritual morning
Mental Health/ Spirituality

My Spiritual Morning Routine

Some of us are morning people, some of us are night owls… Some of us are neither… LOL!

Honestly, as a mother I’ve become someone who loves to crash early because I know I HAVE to wake up early. My son has never been one to sleep in so I had to train myself to be a morning person a long long time ago. 

There are two things that really helped me transition into a “morning person”. First, and most obvious is going to bed early. This one’s a no-brainer. Especially for me… I get VERY crabby if I don’t get enough hours in. 

Second, establishing a spirituality-focused morning routine helped me look forward to getting up and get going. And it created a peaceful beginning to my day while still giving me a push of energy. 

When creating a routine like tis, it will look different for everyone. That’s the best part! There isn’t a one-size-fits-all spiritual morning. You can completely customize this to fit your personality, your time limits, your needs and your space (both physical and mental. 

In this post, I want to share with you what exactly I do to get my day started each morning. To check out even more ideas of what to put into YOUR morning routine, make sure you stay with me until the very end where I share with you more spiritual ideas. 

My Spirituality-Focused Morning Routine

I don’t have a set time of when I wake up each morning. Because my home is relatively small, having an alarm to wake me up would also mean that it would wake up my son too. He’s just like me… He needs a lot of beauty sleep to keep him happy throughout the day. Most days I naturally wake up before him so I am able to do a few things for myself in peace and quiet.

As I wake up, I take a quick glance at my phone to see what notifications popped up through the night and then THAT’S IT! 

I will admit, not scrolling through social media right as I woke up was a bad habit that took me FOREVER to break. Now, I will just look at my lock screen to make sure nothing super important has to be addressed right away and then I leave my phone on my nightstand and I get moving.

Time for Some Knowledge and Positivity 

Now that the notifications have been acknowledged, I can clear my mind of any mental distractions and either pull out whatever book I’m currently reading or I pull out my journal and start writing my daily affirmations or my gratitude list. I love to begin my days reading or writing. I’ll be honest, I don’t always have time to do both. 

Typically, I’ll read until my son is awake. Check out my list of books you should read when starting a spiritual journey here: 

When I started this routine, these were the books that I started with. 

If I don’t have to pull out my journal and write a bit in the morning, then as soon as my son wakes up and I start making his breakfast, we tell each other what we are grateful for and say a few positive affirmations together. This really helps both of us get into a positive mindset right when we wake up. My son hasn’t always been the best sleeper so there are plenty of mornings where he wakes up a bit crabby from not enough sleep so by starting the day out with a bit of positivity, it can really change his spirits as we start the day. 

Coffee Time

As we have breakfast, I’ll start making my coffee. This used to be a mundane activity of my morning that I didn’t put much thought into. But now I’ve made it a bit magical! I’m an iced coffee California girl so  as I’m stirring my ice into my coffee, I “stir my intentions as well”. I will think of three words that I intend to keep with me for the duration of the day. Some examples of these are: love, peace, prosperity, productivity, joy, happiness etc. By saying these words in the morning with my coffee, it gives me a reminder throughout the entire day to keep my vibrations high!


Another thing that really helps me begin my day with a peaceful mind is meditation. Especially outside! Where I live, its sunny almost all year and in the morning, the warm sun shines right onto my upstairs patio. So I waltz out there with my coffee, my labradorite (my favorite crystal to meditate with) and I’ll do either a guided meditation or a chakra meditation. (Stay tuned for my post all about my favorite chakra meditation!)


While I’m still outside after my meditation, I like to recite just a few affirmations (out loud of course!) You can check out my list of my favorite daily affirmations here: https://kindnessandcooking.com/positive-affirmations-for-every-part-of-your-life/

These are the things that I like to do every single morning to help me begin each day with a bit of peace. 

Here are a few things that you can add to your morning routine that I haven’t listed yet:

*Write in a dream journal about any dreams you remembered. There are some super cute journals at http://amazon.com

*Exercise!! Out of everything that I do in the morning, this is probably the thing that helps my mood the most. I love a good early morning walk around my neighborhood. 

*Do some sun salutations with your friend, the Sun!

*Work on your current creative hobby. I love writing (obviously!) and crocheting.

*During your shower, visualize rinsing off any left over emotional gunk from the day before and vow to begin the new day with a clean slate.

*Breathing exercises

*Do something outside in nature. (Walk, hike, garden, have a breakfast picnic)

*Make a list of goals for the day (sounds much happier than just a “to-do list”)

*Have a dance party! 

*Enjoy the silence