chakra meditation
Mental Health/ Spirituality

My Daily Morning Chakra Meditation

If you’ve checked out my spiritual morning routine, you probably noticed how one of my favorite things I do in the morning is a chakra meditation. I have quite a few things that I like to do in the morning to bring peace into the beginning of my day but one of the things I enjoy the most is this meditation. Check out my spiritual morning routine here:

This is probably one of the easiest “guided” meditations you’ll come across. It is also one of the fastest. I have a lot of days where I just don’t have the time to do a full meditation instead of being rushed or just not doing it at all, this is the meditation that I do.

This chakra meditation aids in the process of aligning all seven of your major chakras. I think that aligning those chakras is a great start to any day!

If you haven’t checked out my detail chakra guides, definitely start here:

So how exactly do you do this meditation?

First, I prefer to do this outside with the morning sun shining down on my face. It really just sets the mood, y’all! If you don’t have a space to do this outside or on chilly, gloomy days, I’ll find a quiet but happy little corner in my home and I’ll do it there. 

Once I am situated in my spot, I like to place one hand on my upper chest and another on the top of my belly and begin taking some deep breaths. I’ll focus here until I can steady my breathing to where it is completely comfortable and natural. Once I reach a point of satisfaction here, I’ll imagine a bright protective white light surrounding my physical body. 

Next, I’ll start by gently placing my hands on the lowermost part of my belly in alignment with my root chakra. After a few deep breaths and some focus on how my root chakra is feeling that particular morning, I’ll say to myself either aloud or mentally, “I am safe”. The root chakra is all about our safety and security in the physical world. I will say this to myself a few times to truly feel it deep within myself. Even try saying “I am grounded” if that resonates with you more. With whatever affirmation you choose, imagine a bright red light glowing right where you’ve placed your hands.

Next, I move onto the sacral chakra which is right below the bellybutton. As I gently place my hands here, I repeat to myself “I am a creative being”. This chakra is all about creativity, passion and intimacy. Try saying “I am a creative, sensual being” if that resonates with you more. With this affirmation, imagine a bright orange light radiating around your lower belly. 

On to the solar plexus chakra! As I move my hands up to my stomach right above the bellybutton, I will take a few deep breaths and tell myself “I am so powerful”. This is one of my favorite chakras to work with. I love sitting here in this moment with my solar plexus chakra and remind myself just how powerful I am. While I’m starting to feel nice and powerful and honestly, I force to be reckoned with ;), I’ll imagine a bright yellow light surrounding by solar plexus. 

Once I feel satisfied in my solar plexus, I’ll move up to my heart chakra and place my hands right over my heart and say “I am loved, I love others freely and most importantly, I love myself so much.” Visualize a bright green light all around your heart. 

Now its time to move up to the throat chakra. Once this chakra is open and balanced, you’ll be able to communicate effectively and completely speak your truth. As I sit and meditate on that thought, I will recite to myself “I communicate my truth and speak my mind freely”. Ooooh that’s a good feeling, isn’t it? As your hands are placed gently on your throat, imagine a bright blue light radiating all around your throat. 

After I sit with my throat chakra for a bit, I’ll move to my third eye chakra. The third eye chakra is all about your intuition. Trusting your intuition isn’t always easy and it can be a long process for some to have a good relationship with it. I am definitely one of those people. I’ll be honest. I’ve always had trust issues within myself and my intuition. It took lots of time and practice but I can say that I finally have a much better relationship with my intuition. And this chakra meditation truly helped me. 

Anyway… as I imagine a deep indigo blue light all around my third eye, I recite the affirmation “I fully trust my intuition”. Say this as many times as you need with the tips of your fingers on the center of your forehead.

Lastly, we are at the crown chakra. It is extremely rare to have a perfectly balanced and open crown chakra but that shouldn’t deter you from still working with it. The crown chakra connects you to the Divine, to whatever it is that’s out there that is bigger than us. While the common color correspondence for the crown chakra is purple, I like to envision a bright white light. (Similar to the protective light we surrounded ourselves with in the beginning of this meditation.) Instead of resting my hands on top of my crown chakra similarly to what we’ve done throughout this process, I will instead place both of my hands on top of my head. Then open them up so that my fingers are pointed to the sky. By doing this, it is easier to envision the light from the Divine coming straight into your crown. 

Well Done!

I totally get that from an outsider’s perspective who doesn’t study or even put much belief in this type of self care, this can all sound pretty crazy. I am honored to be able to share my personal experiences on this amazing spiritual journey that I’ve been on. But I completely understand why there are skeptics out there. Anything that’s deemed “different” can be intimidating. But even if I am able to help just one person by sharing this meditation practice, I’ll know that I’ve reached success!

I truly hope that this morning chakra meditation is just as enjoyable for you as it is for me. 

Happy Healing!

xoxo Leah