crown chakra
Mental Health/ Spirituality

The Beginner’s Guide to the Crown Chakra

Hello and welcome to our final post of the Beginner’s Guide to the Chakra System series! Thank you so much for following along with me through this journey. Together I want to share with you all of the beginner’s basics to the crown chakra. We’ve already gone over the first six chakras and now we are at the final of the main chakras.

The crown chakra is our connection to our higher selves and the Divine. As a fair warning, it is very difficult to have a completely open and balanced crown chakra and it can even be difficult to understand most things about this chakra. But lets navigate this together!

First, lets go over what exactly a chakra is. Basically, chakras can be defined as energy vortexes that exist in each of us. We all have physical bodies but we also all have energetic bodies. We have seven different major chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. 

While learning about the chakra system, you can then learn a new way to heal so many different parts of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Lets Get to Learning and Healing!

Quick note: I am not an expert, nor am I a doctor. When it comes to the physical, mental and emotional symptoms that I mention, it is very important to check with your doctor in order to be sure there isn’t a serious medical issue.

Here a Few (Sahasrara) Crown Chakra Basics

Color: Purple, white, gold

Element: Thought

Location: At the top and the center of the head

The crown chakra is located at the very top of your head and acts as a funnel to the mainline divine energy straight into your system. This is what helps you absorb all of those feel-good energies from the universe. Think of it as the Grand Central Station of cosmic consciousness. This links us to to the knowledge that all energy is one. The crown focuses on what is BEYOND us. This is the chakra of pure enlightenment! 

How to Know If Your Crown Chakra is Blocked

You are extremely disconnected. Disconnected in a lot of ways. You may be feeling lonely, lost, hopeless and isolated. It may be from friends, your own thoughts, career, creatively and even in your relationship with the higher power you believe in (if you do believe in a higher power). Do you feel drained and completely powerless by the difficulties of life? You may have a blocked crown chakra.

How to Know If Your Crown Chakra is Overactive

If a know-it-all attitude, ego, greed, materialism and arrogance are your main personality traits, you most likely have an overactive crown chakra. A lack of empathy that can even transform to aggression, especially when it comes to the thoughts of spirituality will make your skeptical mind go haywire. 

How to Know If Your Crown Chakra is Just Right

Now, having a completely open and balanced crown chakra is very rare. However, working with your crown chakra is extremely beneficial for your mental, emotional and spiritual health. Here’s the thing, even though it is extremely uncommon to have a fully open crown chakra, there are a few signs that point to a healthy crown chakra. For example, that feeling of a deep connection to something that is higher and beyond yourself, is a sign of a healthy crown. Also, if you enjoy expelling energy toward the greater good of all beings, you definitely have a strong crown chakra.

Possible Causes of Blockage

Lack of trust in life and the Divine (Remember, when we speak of the Divine, we are speaking of that power that is higher than us as humans)

Unresolved anger towards the Divine

Physical Body Parts

Muscular system, skeletal system, skin, cerebral cortex, central nervous system 

Physical Symptoms 

Energetic disorders, depression, chronic exhaustion (that is not linked to a physical, medical disorder) extreme sensitivity to light, sound and other environmental factors

Mental/ Emotional Symptoms 

An inability to trust life (faith, inspiration, ethics, values, spirituality etc)


Essential Oils: Frankincense, peppermint, sandalwood, lotus, sage, water lily

Yoga Poses: Shoulder stands and head stands help the blood flow to your brain so that you can better receive information from the Divine. But as a reminder: these yoga poses are for those who are advanced and should only be done if you know you are completely ready and safe.

Crystals: Amethyst, clear quartz, labradorite (my personal favorite crystal of all time) , moonstone, selenite 

Other healing ideas: mediation, wear lots of purple and white, chant the mantra sound of “OM”, consciously make the intention of wanting the connection with the Divine. 

That just about wraps up the crown chakra. We know that the crown chakra is extremely difficult to fully open. Full consciousness is a very rare thing. But making an effort to work on the healing of your crown chakra can drastically change your life. I hope you learned something new and interesting today!

Happy healing!

xoxo Leah