chakras guide
Mental Health/ Spirituality

Chakras: The Basics

Greetings friends! I’m sure that if you’ve stumbled upon this page, you’ve been curious about chakras, the chakra system, chakra healing and all of the other fascinating things that you can learn under this umbrella. 

So if that’s you, welcome to Chakras: The Basics! My goal with this post is to be able to give you all of the knowledge that you need to best understand the BASICS of the chakra system. The chakra system is so complex and there is a lot to learn but I believe that these details that are shared here, are the best places to begin. With this knowledge, you can better understand why you feel certain physical, mental or emotional symptoms that haven’t had any other explanations. 

In my opinion, learning about the chakra system has completely changed my life and that’s why I started this blog! I wanted to help others find solace through spirituality, energy, etc. 

I truly hope that this post can help you on your journey! Enjoy!

Quick note: I am not an expert, nor am I a doctor. When it comes to the physical, mental and emotional symptoms that I mention, it is very important to check with your doctor in order to be sure there isn’t a serious medical issue.

What are chakras and what exactly is the chakra system?

The word “chakra” (Sanskrit for “wheel of life”) first appeared in Hindu writings around 3,000 years ago. So while the knowledge of chakras seems to be popular and “trendy”, this isn’t some new concept that just sprouted up. 

Basically, we all have physical bodies but we also all have energetic bodies. That’s where the chakra system comes into play. Chakras can be defined as energy vortexes that exist in each of us. There are 7 major chakras that we will be exploring (starting from the bottom):

 Root – at the perineum 

Sacral – right below the navel

Solar Plexus – right above the navel

Heart – center of the chest

Throat – front of the base of the neck

Third Eye – between the eyebrows

Crown – top and center of the head

Many religions and cultures see the chakra system as a reflection of the natural law that exists within the universe and an intertwined counterpart to our physical selves.

Just like our physical bodies, our chakra system can get out of whack… or imbalanced, overactive, closed, blocked, etc.

So how do you know when a chakra is blocked?

Well, this depends on the chakra but for the most part, there are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual symptoms that have no other explanation. 

For example, if your solar plexus chakra is blocked, you will feel small and powerless. You may be making tons of plans but absolutely no follow through. When it comes to physical symptoms, chronic or acute indigestion, fatigue, diabetes and even arthritis are common signs that there is a blockage.

When a chakra is out of whack, it can also be OVERACTIVE, not just blocked. These will have two completely different sets of symptoms. 

Lets visit back to the solar plexus chakra again.  So if this chakra (the one right above your navel) is overactive, then you may be operating in manipulation, too much ego, single-mindedness etc etc. AKA: power trip!! 

So how do I fix these wonky chakras?

Well… its not an easy walk in the park, let me tell you. While there are an infinite amount of ways to realign your chakras, here are the 6 most common: yoga, diet, essential oils, meditation, crystal healing and behavioral changes. 

Personally, I do believe in the power of all six of these different healing practices. However, the ones that have helped me the most and that I feel the most connected to are: mediation, yoga and behavioral changes. (Side note: While on my journey to unblock my third eye chakra, I had an amazing, out-of-this-world experience with the crystal, Labradorite. It is something that completely changed my life for the better and I truly do believe in the power of crystals. But I do believe that it is harder for beginners to feel these connections at first. BUT THEY DO HAPPEN!)

Now that you better understand the basics of what chakras are, how to better recognize a blocked or overactive chakra and chakra healing, I want to share with you a little “Reader’s Digest” straight-to-the-point snapshot of each chakra. Let’s go!

Again, starting from the bottom and working our way up

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

This chakra keeps you anchored and grounded to the PHYSICAL world. You receive an abundance (if its a cleared chakra, of course) of planetary energy. When its an open and happy chakra, you will feel safe and secure. You know that your basic needs are met. But when its blocked or overactive, you’re an anxious wreck! Anxiety will rule your life.

Color: Red

Location: Base of spine, perineum

Foods: root vegetables 

Physical problems: chromic lower back pain, weight problems

Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)

The sacral chakra is associated with sexual energy, emotions and creativity. This is your spark to ignite the flames that live inside of you. This chakra is all about passion, pleasure and inspiration. However, if its blocked, you will experience low libido and all-together a lack of enthusiasm. However, when it is overactive, get ready for an overload of emotions! (and not in a good way!)

Color: Orange 

Location: right below the navel

Crystal for overall wellness: moonstone

Physical problems: gynecological problems, sciatica 

Solar Plexus Chakra (Maipura)

The Solar Plexus chakra is all about your personal power, your personality and your self-esteem and ultimately, your self worth. This is where we find our willpower and our drive. Those of you who have an overactive solar plexus are dominating, overstressed and may be in need of constant attention… good or bad.

Color: Yellow

Location: right above the navel 

Physical ailments: digestive issues/ stomach pains, fatigue 

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The heart chakra is at the most pivotal location. This chakra begins to connect our physical self to our Spiritual (Higher) Self. Because this chakra helps connect all of the chakras into one beautiful system, how else is there to achieve balance than with love and acceptance? The heart chakra is all about loving ourselves, loving others and welcoming love from others.

Color: Green

Location: center of the chest

Mental/emotional problems: grief, self-centeredness, forgiveness/compassion/ trust (lack there of)

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The throat chakra is the first of the spiritual chakras. This controls our authentic and true voice to speak our truth and stand up for what we believe in. If you are experiencing extreme shyness or you feel like you just cant muster up the courage to stand up to that big bully that’s been raising hell in your life, you may have a blocked throat chakra. 

Color: Blue

Location: the throat 

Essential Oils for balancing: lavender, chamomile 

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The next leap into total consciousness happens at the third eye. This brings us to that next (huge!) step that so many of us our trying to reach. When this chakra is in harmony, you’ll be in tune with energies whether you fully realize/understand it or not. Also, you will have a trusting relationship with your intuition, or your inner voice. 

Color: Indigo

Location: center of the forehead 

Issues/ Dysfunctions:neurological disturbance, dull memory, poor dream recall, mistrustful of your “gut feelings”

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) 

The last of the major and spiritual chakras is the crown chakra. This is our ultimate connection to The Divine and our Higher Self. Because this chakra is located at the top of our head, it is a funnel to divine energy. While a fully open and healthily flowing crown chakra is a very rare thing, it is very possible to have a healthy crown. If you feel that you have a deep connection to something beyond yourself. 

Color: Violet (or white)

Location: top of the head

Crystals: amethyst, clear quartz, labradorite, selenite 

My favorite educational resources on chakras:

Chakra Healing by Margarita Alcantara

The Chakras : Activity Book and Journal

The Chakra Bible by Patricia Mercier

The Ultimate Guide to Chakras: The Beginner’s Guide to Balancing, Healing, and Unblocking Your Chakras for Health and Positive Energy by Athena Perrakis, PhD

Meditation: Your Personal Guide by Jacqueline Towers has great guided mediations on how to open and close chakras

In Focus: Chakra Healing by Roberta Vernon : The Complete Guide to Chakra Meditation

My favorite pack of chakra-helping essential oils:

I really hope that this beginner’s guide to the chakra system helped you begin the beautiful journey of knowledge, power and healing!

xoxo Leah