sacral chakra
Mental Health/ Spirituality

The Beginner’s Guide to the Sacral Chakra

Hello friends! Welcome to part 2 of my detailed chakra guide for beginners. Today we are discussing the Sacral chakra. The Sacral chakra is your second chakra right above your Root chakra. Here’s my Beginner’s Guide to the Root Chakra:

First, lets go over what exactly a chakra is. Basically, chakras can be defined as energy vortexes that exist in each of us. We all have physical bodies but we also all have energetic bodies. We have seven different major chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. 

While learning about the chakra system, you can then learn a new way to heal so many different parts of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Today we are going to highlight and I am going to share with you everything I have learned over the years about the sacral chakra.

Let’s get to learning and healing! 

Quick note: I am not an expert, nor am I a doctor. When it comes to the physical, mental and emotional symptoms that I mention, it is very important to check with your doctor in order to be sure there isn’t a serious medical issue.

Here are a few Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) basics

Color: Orange

Location: 2 inches below the navel

Element: Water

This chakra is the one most closely connected to our sexuality, emotions and creativity. Pleasure and passion (physically and spiritually) stem from the sacral. This is the spark that ignites our inner fire. 

How to Know Your Sacral Chakra is Blocked:

If you’re naturally very creative and love to write but all of a sudden experience massive writer’s block, your sacral chakra is most likely blocked. 

How to Know Your Sacral Chakra is Overactive:

Speaking of overactive, you may be OverREactive when this chakra is out of whack. You may have unhealthy relationships and great big outbursts of emotions. Even over-the-top indulgences can be a big sign of an overactive sacral chakra. 

How to Know Your Sacral Chakra is Balanced:

When this chakra is just right and balanced, your relationships will be happy and healthy. Intimacy will be easy and creativity will flow naturally and freely. 

Possible causes of blockage:

Sexual abuse/ trauma

Gender issues


Essential Oils: lemon, patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood, Ylang-Ylang

Yoga Poses: twisting triangle, downward dog, child’s pose, open angel pose

Crystals: Carnelian, amber, moonstone, orange tourmaline

Other healing ideas: dance! (my favorite!) Have a dance party by yourself to release pent up trauma, anger, resentment etc. Get those hips moving and heal! Journaling, creating, painting and any other form of creative outlet will help immensely when healing this chakra.

My Favorite Chakra Healing Resources

I hope you learned a few new things about the sacral chakra today with this post. I truly love writing these detailed chakra posts for you! Basically, if I could just teach one person one thing to help them on their healing journey, I would call my mission successful!

xoxo Leah