Welcome! Welcome to Kindness and Cooking! My name’s Leah and I am a young Southern Californian mama of one crazy five year old boy. His dad (Ian) and I never married but we’ve been together for years… since I was 18!  Cue the “unconventional mom” talk: I’ve never done things the conventional way. Get ready!

So with my wonky choices through life, destiny itself, and a brain and body that has a clear disposition to it, I have a few anxiety disorders. Living with and attempting to conquer (more like manage) these disorders on a daily basis can be tough. And with these, I have always had tummy troubles. Specifically, terrible nausea on a daily basis. With this, eating has always been a struggle for me and I have always been underweight. So now, my focus is on finding and creating yummy recipes that are “my allergen” friendly. Throughout Kindness and Cooking you will find many recipes that can fit into many different allergen friendly categories. 

I was raised vegetarian and I went full vegan 4 years ago and I have been gluten free for almost two full years now. Also, a lower FODMAP diet tends to be better for me as well. But here you’re going to find a ton of different recipes that are a great combination of all three but also I have a ton of recipes that use bits and pieces of all 3 diets. And everything will be labeled accordingly!

But I don’t want to offer you just recipes. As I mentioned earlier, I have been on a conscious quest of managing my mental health. Throughout this journey, I have found that many different things have helped me but one of the main things has been starting to focus on my spirituality. Practicing mindfulness, meditating, shadow work, chakra work etc has been a complete game changer for me! I completely understand that this is not for everyone, I like to offer my experiences that have worked for me. 

So now here I am, writing to you, maybe seeing if maybe I am one of you or you are one of I. Let’s be unconventional together and conquer , spirituality, stress and our ANNOYING tummy troubles together!! Lets cook, meditate and be kind to one another!

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