healing crystals
Mental Health/ Spirituality

My 7 Favorite Healing Crystals for Daily Use

I’m sure you’ve noticed the current crystal craze that’s buzzing around the internet right now. And all I have to say is, “FINALLY!!” It is so nice to see how many people are learning about energetic healing and the healing power of crystals. 

I have had so many amazing experiences with these beautiful aids in alternative medicine. Today, I want to share with you some of these experiences that I’ve had and which crystals I use everyday.

But first, let’s go over what exactly crystals can do for YOU!

Historically speaking, crystals have been used as ancient forms of  medicine  for thousands of years. Crystals can assist in not just physical healing but also mental, emotional and even spiritual healing. Have you noticed how there’s a ton of different crystals out there? Almost too many to count? Well that’s because they all do different things. Each crystal carries different properties and absorbs or puts out energy in different ways. 

Even though it seems like the latest craze right now, alternative medicine and using crystals for healing has been around for a very long time. 

Lets get into the crystals that I use the most 

1. Labradorite

Everyone that I know who uses crystals has “that one”. Its that one crystal that they feel the most connected to. Mine is labradorite. In the beginning of my journey, I would’ve never expected for labradorite to make such an impact on me. The “ah-ha” moment that I had with this crystal was one night in meditation. I was doing a guided meditation to interact with my spirit guides and I was holding my new piece of labradorite. WHOA! This happened ages ago and even after all of this time, I’ve still never been able to put into words the sensations that I felt during this. Now I wear a labradorite necklace everyday to carry its energy with me at all times. 

Rundown on Labradorite: 

It is advised to use labradorite during meditation to aid in communication to higher realms. Because this blue/gray crystals corresponds with the throat and third eye chakra, it aids in intuition. Also, it reduced negativity and is said to be the stone of self-discovery. Because this stone sparkles with extraordinary colors, it shows you that you can create “colorful” opportunities in your life. (Not just physically but spiritually as well)

2. Howlite

I came across howlite on complete accident one day in my local metaphysical shop. I was originally looking for hematite, got a bit confused and came home with howlite. And I am so glad I did! Just like labradorite, this stone had completely changed my life. After I came home from the shop, I researched the different properties to howlite and I was so excited! I carry howlite with me whenever I’m feeling crabby or just feel like I need a serious pick-me-up. Basically, I carry it with me every day at work now 😉

Rundown on Howlite:

Howlite is all about improving one’s emotional wellbeing. This crystal specifically corresponds to the crown chakra. Wearing howlite strengthens one’s self confidence, charisma, self love and ability to manifest success. It rids selfish and idealistic dreams and goals. I like to refer to this as the most “genuine” crystal. This crystal just makes me feel so genuinely pure. 

3. Citrine

All hail the Merchant’s Stone! Thats the nickname for citrine and boy, is it true! I love to carry this crystal with me at work and it truly transforms my day. As a bartender, I am very much in charge of how much money I can make in a day (within reason). When I carry citrine with me at work, I am able to make much more money much easier than any other average day. 

Rundown on Citrine: 

Citrine is referred to as the Merchant’s Stone because this stone is all about enhancing prosperity. For hundred’s of years, shop owners have kept a piece of citrine in their cash drawers or in the back left corner of their store (the prosperity corner) to promote prosperity for their business. It is also referred to as the Success Stone because it promotes good luck into all things you do. 

4. Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is, in my opinion, one of the most important healing crystals to own. This crystal transmutes negative energy into positive energy. I like to keep smoky quartz in my purse wherever I go and I also always keep a piece in my home to absorb any negative energy that others may be bringing in into my home and any negative energy that I may bring in. 

Rundown on Smoky Quartz:

This is one of the few crystals that corresponds with both the root charka and the crown chakra. Smoky quartz helps connect all of the chakras to balance them and their energies. Also, this crystal assists in grounding, detoxifying, amplifying positive energies and ultimately, transmuting negative energies into positive ones. 

5. Carnelian

I wear a carnelian every single day without fail! I love everything that this crystal does for me! Carnelian helps me maintain my energy throughout the day, helps strengthen me emotionally and mentally and it helps me get more in touch with my sense of self. Not only is my carnelian bracelet beautiful, and I get loads of compliments on it almost daily but it also has helped me so much on my journey to self empowerment over the last year. 

Rundown on Carnelian: 

Historically, Carnelian has been known as the “setting sun stone” by the ancient Egyptians and has been identified with female energy.  Carnelian corresponds with both the root chakra and the sacral chakra. This crystal is essential in promoting love and passion with yourself and with others but also with success, luck, concentration, prosperity and more! This stone does it all and I absolutely love the energy that it gives me. 

6. Lapis Lazuli 

Lapis Lazuli is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful of all of the crystals that I own. The beautiful blue color is intoxicating! As someone with anxiety, my words can get pretty jumbled up when I’m trying to have a serious chat with someone. If I know that one of these chats is brewing up, I will carry a piece of lapis lazuli with me to more easily communicate with others. 

Rundown on Lapis Lazuli:

Lapis Lazuli is referred to the stone of truth. This stone corresponds with the throat chakra and helps us enhance our communication abilities. Technically this isn’t a crystal. Its actually a metamorphic rock yet it still carries many magical properties that have been celebrated for centuries. Lapis Lazuli aids with speaking ones truth, pure honesty and improving harmony. 

7. Clear Quartz

Think of clear quartz as the universal stone. It is the most versatile stone that there is. Clear quartz is self-cleansing, cleanses other crystals and it amplifies the energy of any other crystal to works with. I use this crystal if I want to try out a new ritual and I don’t have the advised crystal in my collection or I carry it with me when I just want to feel a genuine uplifting dose of energy.

Rundown on Clear Quartz:

As I said earlier, clear quartz is the most versatile crystal that there is. Clear quartz corresponds with the crown chakra but can also assist in the healing of all of the other chakras. It helps with balancing body-mind-spirit, connecting to the Divine and higher consciousness and amplifying the properties of other crystals. 

That just about sums it up, folks! These are my 7 favorite healing crystals that I use just about everyday. As you could probably tell, each crystal does something very different and they all aid in different parts of healing. I really hope this little guide to my favorite daily crystals is helping you on your healing journey! Let me know if you’ve added one of these to your daily crystal stash!

I’m sure you’ve noticed a lot of talk about chakras throughout this post. Check out my chakra guide to learn more:

Happy Healing!

xoxo Leah 

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These are some resources that I used in order to create this post for you: