books spiritual journey
Mental Health/ Spirituality

6 Books to Read When Starting a Spiritual Journey

Welcome to my little list of books to kickstart your spiritual journey!

While I am still very new on my journey to becoming a more spiritually-conscious being and getting to know my “higher self”, I really enjoy sharing my knowledge on this topic with others. 

I believe that when you begin this journey, it can be incredibly overwhelming. You’ll have so many questions (you will seriously be questioning EVERYTHING!!) and its hard to pinpoint where to begin. 

Personally, I decided to begin with books.And I went for it! I went book crazy. I did so much research and bought so many different materials to study. 

I’m still always on the hunt for different reading materials and I still come across new books that I fall in love with all the time. But as for my first year of becoming more in touch with my spirituality, these are the books that I decided were my favorites. I am so happy to finally share these finds with all of you!

Also, check out my post about my favorite journals that I’ve been using to help with my mental health and overall happiness.

*You will find direct links to access these books and most links are affiliate links*

Before I begin, I need to note that this list will be in a specific order. They will be going from the easiest to read to the HEAVIEST. That’s the thing folks… some of this stuff gets heavy and a lot of it uses a lot of brain power and you really have to start shifting your mindset but that’s a part of all the fun! 

Let’s begin!

The Books

  1. You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

Y’all I had to start with a classic! I’m sure this doesn’t seem like the woo-woo hippie  spiritual book you were expecting but it is such a great place to start! This is a very quick read and I believe it is a great start in the journey of learning more about yourself. After all, You are a Badass is said to be the guide to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life! Sounds like a pretty great start right?

2. Positive Psychology by Bridget Grenville-Cleave

This was just a random bookstore purchase because it was on sale! I had no idea I would love this little book so much! This is another super easy read but it is fascinating! There is a huge emphasis on science which I really enjoyed and it really digs deep into why we do certain things and how to overcome unhappiness and discover our strengths. 

3. The Places That Scare You by Pema Chodron

I should rephrase that… anything by Pema Chodron! What a beautiful genius! She has a few wonderful other books that I love like When Things Fall Apart and Taking the Leap. Back to The Places That Scare You… So here’s the thing, we’ve all been through tough times. We’re human! This book is a great start to looking inward in your quest to fearlessness when these tough times arise again. While we can acknowledge that complete fearlessness isn’t necessarily a tangible thing, with Chodron’s teachings, we can learn more about how we have more power to choose how things affect us than we think. Amazing read!

4. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

I’m sure most of you have heard of this one! And I bet even some of you have read this one and can vouch for me on how great this book is.  This beauty is all about seeing the self-limiting beliefs that we carry in our conscious and subconscious mind and how these beliefs truly rob us of so much happiness. This is a very important concept to study in the beginning of one’s spiritual journey, in my opinion. Side-note: in the beginning of my spiritual journey, I went to a local metaphysical shop and this was one of two books that I was instructed to buy by one of the wisest people I’ve yet to meet. His recommendation was perfect!

5. Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman

This is the second recommendation from my metaphysical shop friend. Yet again, he was spot-on with his recommendation. This one definitely does require a bit more focus and concentration than those picks in the very beginning. My favorite part of this book is the guided meditations at the end of each chapter. But these meditations aren’t easy! I was very hesitant in adding this book to my “beginner” guide because these mediations are honestly pretty tough at first but once you get the hang of them, they are amazing! A few examples of the guided meditations provided are “Meeting your Higher Self”,  “Going Through the Void” and “Connecting with the Universal Mind”. Heavy stuff right? But its so worth the hard work!

6. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

I had to end the list with another classic. Its a #1 New York Times Bestseller, its said by Deepak Chopra to be “one of the best books to come along in years”. This book truly is a masterpiece. In summary, it is your guide to spiritual enlightenment. This book requires a lot of brain power, y’all! This is another that I was slightly hesitant on in adding to a beginners list but its truly so special and so amazing that I believe everyone should read at some point in their life. 

Honorable mentions:

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer, Power Freedom and Grace by Deepak Chopra, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho ETC ETC ETC 😉

I really hope that this spiritual books guide is helpful for you. I’ve been thinking about which books to add to this list for a long time and it was so tough narrowing down the list to just a few but I believe that these are a few of the best books when starting the whirlwind adventure of a spiritual journey.

So…. until next time!